News filter by automotive networking for women 

Shortlist for first-ever Women Automotive Awards revealed.

Shortlist for first-ever Women Automotive Awards revealed.

The shortlist for the inaugural Women Automotive Awards has been...
on September 15, 2023
Empowering and insightful Women Automotive Summit set to return

Empowering and insightful Women Automotive Summit set to return

The countdown to the 2023 Women Automotive Summit, hosted by...
on September 14, 2023
The Power of Networking Events: Unlocking Opportunities for Professional Growth

The Power of Networking Events: Unlocking Opportunities for Professional Growth

  "Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about...
on June 15, 2023
An Interview with Christiane Stein, June's Member of the Month and Director – Global Heavy Truck Research at S&P Global Mobility

An Interview with Christiane Stein, June's Member of the Month and Director – Global Heavy Truck Research at S&P Global Mobility

Join us for an Exclusive Interview with Christiane Stein, Director...
on June 08, 2023
Women Automotive Spring Meetup: A Resounding Success

Women Automotive Spring Meetup: A Resounding Success

The Women Automotive Network is delighted to announce the resounding...
on May 24, 2023


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