on March 12, 2024

Why did you join the Women Automotive Network?
I joined the Women Automotive Network to connect with like-minded professionals and foster diversity and inclusion in the automotive industry. The network provides valuable opportunities for networking, mentorship, and skill development, aligning with my passion for breaking barriers and promoting equality. Coming from the telecommunications sector, my goal is to enhance interaction and mutual understanding between the automotive industry and telecom industry, leveraging valuable networking and mentorship opportunities.

Why is DE&I vital to you? 
DE&I holds significant importance to me, particularly given my background of originating from China, presently residing in Finland, and working at a very multinational company Nokia. My diverse journey underscores the value of embracing different perspectives and cultures, fostering an environment where individuals from varied backgrounds can thrive.

What is the number one automotive trend you are keeping up with currently?  
 The automotive sector is experiencing transformative shifts attributed to digitalization, where 5G emerges as a significant disruptor. Its potential to fundamentally reshape the underpinnings of vehicular transportation with superior throughput, stunning speeds, ultra-low latency, high reliability, and massive bandwidth is profound. Ubiquitous 5G networks will revolutionize the entire approach to the design, construction, and operation of modern vehicle systems.

What are your predictions for the automotive industry in 2024? 
First, the integration of advanced connectivity features in vehicles, such as 5G technology and improved infotainment systems, will continue to grow in 2024. Also, the development and testing of autonomous vehicles are rapidly improving, and we may see further progress in the deployment and regulatory aspects this year. I also want to highlight here the increased shift towards electric vehicles (EVs), manifested by Chinese EV cars global penetration, will likely continue with its advancements in battery technology and enhanced infrastructure supporting EV adoption.

Who is your inspirational woman? 
My mom. She is the person who embodies qualities of kindness, resilience, and humility that inspire me every day. Despite facing financial hardships in her childhood that limited her access to education, my mom is always so supportive to my education and growth, encouraging me to boldly chase my dreams.

What is your proudest career moment?
I decided to leave my previous job and embark on a journey to pursue my second master's degree in IPR law at Turku. I was grateful for my family’s great support and sacrifice. My husband and then 2-year-old daughter moved to Turku from Espoo solely for my study purposes. My husband remained remote work during that period and drove 4 hours per week between those two cities. It was a bold decision that allowed me to delve into the IPR law field and has since opened new doors and opportunities in my career at Nokia.

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome?
People may not believe it, but the greatest challenge I've had to overcome was my deep-seated fear of driving, coming from my childhood anxieties about speed and the potential for collisions. Obtaining my driving licenses in both China and Finland in the beginning took longer time than normal due to this fear. However, I persevered, gradually conquering my inner apprehensions. Now, not only have I overcome my fear of driving, but I've also come to truly enjoy the moments behind the wheels. 😎

What was your first car? 
Hyundai Kona.

What advice would you offer to those considering starting a career within the automotive industry? 
Be brave and believe that you will rock it!

In one word, what is the opportunity for women in automotive currently?


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