Are you planning to join the upcoming Women Automotive Summit, taking place in Germany?

on July 25, 2023
Are you planning to join the upcoming Women Automotive Summit, taking place in Forum am Schlosspark Germany on the 20th of September 2023?

We don't want you to miss this unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and be inspired. It's a chance to expand your network, gain valuable insights, and contribute to shaping a more inclusive and successful future for women in the automotive industry. 🤝 🚀

Wondering what the event is all about?
Watch this 25-second past event video.

Agenda preview:
  • 09:00 Pre-Conference Breakfast
  • 09:30 Welcome & Keynote Presentations
  • 11:30 Networking Break ☕
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 14:00 Interactive Roundtable Workshops
  • 15:00 Networking Break
  • 15:30 On-Stage Keynotes
  • 16:10 Panel: What makes a "good" leader?
  • 17:10 - 19:00 Awards 🏆 
  • Women Automotive Network Awards & Cocktail Reception
See full agenda here

We really hope you can book now and join us too.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Contact the Women Automotive Network Team for any questions and enquiries.