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Welcome to the Women Automotive Network

Our Mission

The Women Automotive Network, established in 2019, is the first international platform dedicated to supporting and empowering women in the automotive industry. As the next generation leadership hub for the automotive sector, we are committed to producing strong leaders and managers, facilitating change, and promoting diverse leadership. Through mentorship, events, job opportunities, and practical guidance, we provide women with the necessary resources to excel in their automotive careers. We strive to foster a global community that promotes growth, inclusivity, and leadership for women in the automotive field.

Our Vision

At the Women Automotive Network, our vision is to maintain our position as the leading international community for women in the automotive industry. We aspire to be the trusted destination where women find the support, guidance, and inspiration they need to excel in their professional journeys. As a future leadership hub, we are dedicated to developing exceptional leaders and managers. By connecting individuals across borders, we aim to foster collaboration, celebrate diversity, and create a vibrant global network. We invite all organizations and individuals who share our passion for empowering women in the automotive sector to join us as we shape a more inclusive and successful industry together.

What We Do

At the Women Automotive Network, we provide practical solutions to help women excel in their automotive careers. We offer a wide range of programs and resources designed to equip women with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support they need to succeed. Including:

🤝Mentorship: Our personalized mentorship programs connect women with experienced industry professionals who provide guidance, advice, and insights tailored to their individual goals. Through these mentorship relationships, women gain valuable expertise and support to navigate their career paths effectively.

🎉Events: We organize engaging events featuring industry experts, thought leaders, and successful professionals who share practical strategies, expertise, and inspiring stories. These events offer networking opportunities and a platform for women to learn from the experiences of others in the field.

💼Job Opportunities: We curate job openings that match the skills and aspirations of our members, ensuring they have access to exciting career prospects within the automotive industry. Our goal is to connect talented women with employment opportunities that align with their expertise and ambitions.

💡Practical Guidance: We provide practical tips, advice, and resources to help women enhance their leadership skills, navigate industry challenges, and seize growth opportunities. Our focus is on equipping women with actionable insights and tools to advance their careers in the automotive sector.

🌐Global Community: We foster a vibrant global network where women in the automotive industry can connect, collaborate, and celebrate diversity. By bringing together individuals across borders and backgrounds, we create a supportive community that fosters growth, inclusivity, and leadership for women in the automotive field.


We invite all organizations and individuals who share our passion to join the Women Automotive Network and be part of our dynamic community. Together, we will shape a more inclusive and successful future, where women thrive as leaders, influencers, and innovators in the automotive sector. 🚀👩‍🔧