Menopause in the Workplace: Empowering Businesses to Initiate Change - insights from industry experts

on September 19, 2024

Empowering Change: Key Takeaways from Our LinkedIn Live on Menopause in the Workplace

Last week’s LinkedIn Live event, hosted by the Women Automotive Network, was a compelling and heartfelt discussion on “Menopause in the Workplace: Empowering Businesses to Initiate Change.” Our speakers, Sharon and Jane, shared their expertise and personal experiences, giving us valuable insights into how businesses can support employees going through menopause.



Watch the full Interview on YouTube

A Heartfelt Discussion

The session started with a focus on the importance of sharing personal stories. Sharon emphasised how powerful it is for individuals to share their experiences, saying, “Sharing stories is incredibly powerful. It helps people realise they’re not alone, and it’s a human way to connect and support each other.” Jane echoed this sentiment, highlighting the impact of empathetic conversations in fostering a supportive workplace.

Sharon recounted an inspiring story about a younger woman who, after attending a session on menopause, was able to use her new understanding to support her mother. This example illustrated how learning about menopause can have a far-reaching impact, not only at work but also in personal lives.


Addressing Key Challenges

The conversation then shifted to some of the biggest challenges in addressing menopause in the workplace. Sharon highlighted the difficulty of engaging everyone in the conversation, particularly men and younger employees. “Menopause affects everyone, not just women. This information isn’t just beneficial; it can actually save relationships and lives,” she explained.

Jane added that securing senior leadership support is crucial. “Getting buy-in from top management is key. It’s about demonstrating that supporting menopause is essential for a healthy, thriving workplace,”.


Questions from the Audience and Expert Responses

Several insightful questions came from the audience, which prompted thoughtful responses from our speakers:

1. What has been the toughest challenge in your experience?

Sharon shared that one of the toughest challenges is breaking down the stigma around menopause and getting everyone, including men and younger employees, involved in the conversation. She stressed the need for engaging education that isn’t just dry facts but presented in an empathetic, relatable way. “Creating a room of trust where there are no ‘daft’ questions is crucial,” she said.

Jane highlighted the importance of making the business case for menopause support. “It’s about creating a compelling case that links menopause support to overall business outcomes,” she noted. This includes using data and securing senior leader sponsorship to drive change.

2. How can businesses establish policies to support women going through menopause when struggling to get traction?

Jane suggested starting with creating a strong business case. “Translate the need for menopause support into business terms. Show the impact on employee well-being, productivity, and overall business health. Get senior leader buy-in to make it a priority,” she advised.

Sharon offered a practical approach: “Instead of creating new policies, think about integrating menopause support into existing ones. This can be simpler and more effective than introducing standalone policies.” She emphasised the importance of education and simple adjustments, like considering uniform design to accommodate menopause-related symptoms.

3. What are your top three tips for organisations starting this journey?

Both speakers provided valuable tips:

  • Jane:

    • Plan it and keep it simple: Make the process straightforward and clear.
    • Secure senior leadership support: Having a champion at the top can make a significant difference.
    • Make it engaging and actionable: Ensure the topic is presented in a way that resonates with employees and offers practical steps.
  • Sharon:

    • Integrate into existing policies: Rather than adding new policies, weave menopause support into current ones.
    • Focus on education: Ensure that employees and managers are well-informed about menopause and its impact.
    • Keep communication open and empathetic: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their needs and seeking support.


Creating a Supportive Workplace

As the session concluded, both Sharon and Jane reinforced the importance of ongoing dialogue and practical action. “Creating a supportive workplace is about understanding and compassion,” Sharon said. “We need to make meaningful changes that resonate across the organisation.”

We’re excited to continue this vital conversation and help organisations create more inclusive workplaces. For more resources and to connect with Sharon and Jane, please see below. Also, visit Women Automotive Network to learn more about our upcoming events and how you can get involved.

Sharon MacArthur -

Jane Cusdin -

Don't worry if you missed the live interview, you can watch the recording on our YouTube Channel HERE




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